What I find so special about abstract nature photography is that colors, shapes, and light are not just visual elements - they carry emotions as well. Colors can bring calm, ignite strength, or evoke deep memories. They reflect feelings that are often hard to put into words and can help with reflection and healing.
My photography goes beyond capturing nature. It is an invitation to feel, to pause, and to create space for emotions - whether that be comfort, tranquility, or resilience. Every color has its own energy and plays a vital role in this process.
Colors of Comfort: Light in Nature Photography
During a mentorship with nature photographer Bart Siebelink, I developed my project Colors of Comfort - a series of images meant to provide solace during difficult times. In periods of grief and transition, it can be challenging to see light and color. Yet, it is in those very moments that colors can take on deeper meaning: they can symbolize warmth, hope, and resilience.
For Colors of Comfort, I was inspired by the colors of the rainbow - a powerful symbol of transformation and light after the storm. Each image in the series became a search for balance, an invitation to keep looking for the light, even in dark times.
One particular image, with deep dark blue tones, evoked different emotions and associations among viewers. Some saw a sense of shelter in it, while others recognized the shape of a dolphin or other sea creatures. This illustrates how color and form can resonate uniquely with each individual—and that is exactly what I aim to achieve with my work.
The Healing Power of Color
Color and light have a profound impact on us. They can soften emotions, provide energy, and even bring healing. Each color carries its own message:
🔴 Red – energy and strength, the color of passion and action.
🌸 Pink – calming and soothing, helps to release tension.
🟠Orange – motivating, stimulates creativity and vitality.
💛 Yellow – uplifting, often associated with healing and joy.
💚 Green – grounding and peaceful, connecting us to nature.
🔵 Blue – relaxing and calming, promoting rest and reflection.
🟣 Purple – spiritual and introspective, fostering inner peace.
⚪ White – purifying, creating space for silence and new insights.

A Light for You
My mission is simple: I want my photography to offer a light in difficult times. Whether it’s the soft blue of the sky bringing serenity, the deep green connecting you to nature, or the bold red radiating energy - I hope my images touch and inspire you.
Would you like to experience my work? Take a look at my website or social media and explore how color and light come together in my photography. Nature teaches us that after every storm, a rainbow appears.
Just like in life: even after the darkest moments, the light will always return.
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